Hotel Information
Zao Onsen Meiyusha So
- Location
- 48, Yamagata City Zao Onsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
- 023-666-6532
- Check-in
- 00:00~ 00:00
- Check-out
- Until 00:00
- Regarding
cancellation fees - Accepted
credit cards -
- Relax in the famous hot spring and create fun. A modern Japanese inn in Zao
- ~Famous Hot Springs, Takamiya Group~Enjoy hot springs in the large wooden baths and rustic open-air rock baths; all rooms are non-smoking and women-friendly with colorful yukata; Tour is free!
Hotel services and amenities
- Building and facilities
- Hot spring
- Open bath
- Outdoor bath
- Private bath / Family bath
- Parking lot
- Lounge
- Shop
- Smoking area
- Internet corner
- Elevator
- Vending machine
- Guest room facilities/Amenities
- Free Wi-Fi (all rooms)
- Japanese style room
- Connecting rooms
- Non-smoking room
- Toilet
- Toilet with warm water bidet functions
- Bath towel
- Face towel
- Hand towel
- Hand soap
- Toothbrush set
- Hairdryer
- Razor
- Beard shaver
- Slippers
- Yukata
- TV
- Refrigerator
- Kettle
- Tea set
- Safe
- Electrical outlet
- Other facilities/Services
- Free Wi-Fi available through the entire building
- Free Wi-Fi (Lobby)
- Pick-up / Drop-off service
- Luggage storage service
48, Yamagata City Zao Onsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
45 minutes by bus from Yamagata Station, 10 minutes on foot from the final stop Zao Onsen Bus Terminal 25 minutes from Yamagata Zao IC on the Yamagata Expressway