Hotel Information
JR Kyushu Hotel Miyazaki
- Location
- 1 number 10, Nishikicho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki, 880-0811, Japan
- Telephone number
- 0985-29-8000
- 0985-29-8556
- Check-in
- 14:00~ 22:00
- Check-out
- Until 11:00
- Regarding
cancellation fees - Accepted
credit cards -
- It's next to the station and has the best access♪ All rooms have independent baths and are on the 9th floor or higher!
- 0 minute walk from Miyazaki Station ♪ Separate bath and toilet ★ Wi-Fi in all rooms! Guest rooms are located on the 9th to 14th floors.◆You can enjoy the view of Miyazaki. A hotel that can be used comfortably for business or sightseeing.
Hotel services and amenities
- Building and facilities
- Parking lot (chargeable)
- Restaurant
- Elevator
- Coin laundry
- Vending machine
- Icemaker
- Guest room facilities/Amenities
- Free Wi-Fi (all rooms)
- Internet connection (LAN wire connection)
- Bathtub
- Independent washbasin
- Toilet
- Toilet with warm water bidet functions
- Bath towel
- Face towel
- Body wash
- Shampoo
- Hair conditioner
- Body scrub towel
- Shower cap
- Makeup remover
- Face wash
- Skin toner/Milky lotion
- Cotton
- Cotton swabs
- Hand soap
- Toothbrush set
- Hairdryer
- Hairbrush
- Razor
- Shaving cream
- Clothes hangers
- Air freshener
- Slippers
- TV
- Refrigerator
- Kettle
- Tea set
- Coffee
- Air conditioner
- Humidifier
- Air purifier
- Telephone
- Electrical outlet
- Indoor lamp/Reading lamp
- Other facilities/Services
- Free Wi-Fi available through the entire building
- Free Wi-Fi (Lobby)
- Luggage storage service
- Massage
- Cleaning service
- Fax service
- Courier service
- Phone chargers
- Microwave oven
- Trouser press
- Clothes iron/Ironing board
- Wheelchair
■Guest amenities are self-service in the lobby
1 number 10, Nishikicho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki, 880-0811, Japan
1 minute walk from JR Miyazaki Station West Exit/Highway Bus Terminal. 2 stations by JR from Miyazaki Airport (about 14 minutes). About 20 minutes by car from Miyazaki IC.