Hotel Information
Bandai Nakanosawa Onsen Bandai Meiyu Resort Bonari no Mori
- Location
- 2855-550, Inawashiro Town, Yama District, Fukushima, 969-2752, Japan
- 0242-64-3335
- Check-in
- 15:00~ 18:00
- Check-out
- Until 10:00
- Regarding
cancellation fees - Accepted
credit cards -
- A healing forest where you can enjoy nature and famous hot springs.
- ~Famous hot spring family, Takamiya Group~ Boasting a large open-air bath where you can enjoy "Numajiri Motoyu/Nakanosawa Onsen," which boasts the largest amount of gush from a single hot spring in Japan. Convenient access to sightseeing in the Bandai area
Hotel services and amenities
- Building and facilities
- Hot spring
- Open bath
- Outdoor bath
- Private bath / Family bath
- Sauna
- Parking lot
- Lounge
- Banquet hall
- Meeting room
- Shop
- Smoking area
- Elevator
- Lockers
- Vending machine
- Guest room facilities/Amenities
- Free Wi-Fi (all rooms)
- Room featuring an open air bath
- Japanese style room
- Non-smoking room
- Independent washbasin
- Toilet
- Toilet with warm water bidet functions
- Bath towel
- Face towel
- Hand towel
- Hand soap
- Toothbrush set
- Hairdryer
- Hairbrush
- Razor
- Beard shaver
- Air freshener
- Slippers
- Yukata
- TV
- Refrigerator
- Kettle
- Tea set
- Air conditioner
- Telephone
- Safe
- Other facilities/Services
- Free Wi-Fi available through the entire building
- Pick-up / Drop-off service
- Luggage storage service
- Courier service
- Multipurpose toilet
2855-550, Inawashiro Town, Yama District, Fukushima, 969-2752, Japan
<Car> Greater Tokyo Area→Tohoku Expressway→Banetsu Expressway→Inawashiro IC→Route 115→Hotel <Other than by car> Tokyo→Tohoku Shinkansen→Koriyama Station→Banetsu West Line→Inawashiro Station→Route bus→20 minutes